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# Vehicle Detection System

This project aims to build a website which detects different types of vehicles from the uploaded image. also counts the images and marks the vehicles.

## About the project

This project aims to build a website which detects different types of vehicles from the uploaded image. also counts the images and marks the vehicles.

Setup and Running

  • First clone the repo. and move to the folder
    git clone https://github.com/aswanthabam/Vehicle-Detection
    cd Vehicle-Detection
  • Make sure you installed Docker, get installation instructions from here
  • Then use docker compose to run the server, First build
    docker compose build

    NB : This will install the nessessary packages. also it will download the yolov3 weights, which is 250+ MB size. so the setup will take some time. wait unitil the setup is completed.

  • Then run the container
    docker compose up
  • Now open http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

Tech stack

  • React
  • Vite
  • Flask
  • opencv and yolov3 modal

For any queries, contact : aswanth.abam@gmail.com

Hosted on : https://vehicle-detection.web.app/, But better run it locally the hosting is highly rate limited and sometimes become unaccessible.

Machine Learning

## Gallery